Yes! But see, for us, making maps is the easier bit, and the fun one, obviously. It’s something we just love to tinker about, and actually do – fortunately. But when it comes to promoting our work… well, shall we say our hope is that the end products speak for themselves? Although that is certainly a good aspiration, I’m afraid it’s time for us to finally spread the word about our latest product: a topo map for hikers about a nice new trail wonderland in Vayots Dzor, central Armenia!

Last year a lot of work went into this relatively new area, and more info about that will come in the following weeks… In any event, with our last blog we hinted to it, so here’s the confirmation: we’ve been plotting something that shall allow us to show you both our map in action, as well as that landscape, and it will all begin in about two weeks from now!
Given the circumstances, I am sure you also have been spending more time at home that you wanted too… same here, so I am really looking forward to what’s coming, for personal reasons too 🙂 I hope you’ll enjoy it as well, even if only vicariously.
International travel is a little bit of a challenge these days, but we intend to keep going with our map-making endeavors, no matter what challenges are affecting us all, so onwards we go…
Keep your eye out for next week’s new product launch, where we’ll tell you all about what we’ve been cooking up!