Hello everyone, how are you doing? Did you have a good time these holidays? We hope your year started in the best possible way.
For us it has been an intense winter of work, good overall but with some delays I’m afraid… Yes, just like any other printing job in the world, we’ll be a little late. Double and triple checking the spelling and some last minute design adjustments took longer than expected. We are very pleased with the final result and the map will still be with us in time for hiking season, but sometime in March, instead of February. So, sorry about that.
Anyhow, we should now be just days away from beginning the actual printing in the UK, so fingers crossed, we may see the light soon!
In the meantime, have you received your postcard yet?

Some of you already confirmed the arrival with pictures and nice messages, so thanks for those, we appreciated!
It was a surprisingly interesting process I think, and because we had 202 postcards to write in a short time, I got some help from Ani. You should be able to tell who wrote yours: if the handwriting is good, you may thank her, as for the other ones …I did my best!

All sorted by country. Sometimes efficiency matters.
What was even more fun was the rush of sending them out: we approached the post office almost at closing time, and the next day we were supposed to fly to Europe… I know… but since we wanted to send them out from Armenia, that meant we had to turn into a well-oiled stamping machine, and so we did.
At regime we could stamp a postcard every 6 seconds or less.
– cut two stamps from the sheet (because one would have been too easy, right?)
– get them wet
– apply to the postcard
– quickly dry it
– stack the postcard
– repeat.
We could had been faster I believe, if we did not also have to profusely apologise and convince the post staff to not close the doors with us inside… especially challenging in my broken Armenian. But we made it!

Beginning: still fresh smiles, other customers, and all lights were still on!
As for the overall project, rest assured that the work keeps moving, sometimes it gets us to panic a little, but we are still on track, and the result looks pretty promising… so thanks for the patience, we think it’s worthy!